Saturday, 15 October 2011

Sweet dreams...

Stanley only woke up a couple of times last night, other Mummies might consider that a 'bad' night. Not me! Recently he's started waking every 1-2 hours (ouch) so to get 3 hours sleep in a row was amazing. It's funny how much i've changed - pre Stanley I would consider anything less than 8 a terrible night's sleep, now I consider 5 hours the holy grail of sleep!

Here are my top 5 tips on handling sleep deprivation:

1)Try not to look at the clock. This is much easier said that done, bur do try not to torture yourself by looking at the time all night, adding up how much (little) sleep you've had - it really doesn't help.

2)Invest in a good under-eye concealer. I use the collection 2000 one. It's so cheap and covers up my bags (suitcases) nicely.

3)Have everything you need close by. I always have a muslin, my iPhone, lipbalm, calpol etc on the bed next to me, that way i'm not scrabbling around in the dark looking for things at 4.30am - not fun.

4)Sleep when you can. If your baby has an hours nap in the day - do the same. I try and catch up in the day if it's been a particularly hard night.

5)Remember, this too shall pass. It's tough, but it won't be forever.

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